
We will solve and integrate one of the most widely used DAO products in the current market to eliminate gas fees.

The DAO mechanism will be built into the Diolaunch Dashboard so that it does not require any technical knowledge. For the first time, There will also be guides to help users join the DAO in minutes.

Diolaunch DAO for collective decision making and Proposed Proposals for incubator selections will be made available directly to users so they can interact easily on the Diolaunch Dashboard to start DAO procedures from scratch.

We will solve and integrate one of the most widely used DAO products in the current market to eliminate gas fees, which is often a high overhead for DAOs to operate with maximum engagement. This feature is one of the best that DAO holdings currently have in the blockchain ecosystem.

Diolaunch works by taking a snapshot of the token held in the wallet at the time of voting with signature confirmation without any gas costs. Our multi-signature agreement then validates these snapshots to the blockchain, so gas costs by the user will be negligible. While our multi-signature agreement validates transactions, all data on-chain will be visible to anyone on it. In addition to that, our community will not be paying any fees to participate in the voting for the projects.

This technical procedure will be as easy as clicking a button or two on the user side, and on the technical side it will remove all the friction and costs of joining DAOs so all our community members can participate in DAO voting effortlessly.

Last updated